News coming from Nepal most often than not are negative. Sometimes good news are considered good, only relative to a bad news (or worse news) and the trend seems so unending that sometimes I feel like turning totally away from it. But every time, I keep coming back as many of us do because there is no running away from reality, no running away from yourself and your family.
Sometimes I try to soothe myself by comparing against the cases from Sudan, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Rwanda,Zimbabwe,Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan,Iraq even sometimes cases from rapidly growing economy like India and China but it doesn't help, cause there is no hiding from truth and it doesn't eases Nepalese' pain either. But we do have hope, hope for better tomorrow, hope for gradual ease in pain. Sometimes small positives does tremendous good to reinforce your hope. That's what happened today with me.
Right at the morning I read couple admirable news . First was about Nepal's Shanti Sewa Griha clinching second spot in BBC World challenge 08.World Challenge 08 is a global competition aimed at finding projects or small businesses from around the world that have shown enterprise and innovation at a grass roots level and it rewards projects and business which really makes a difference. Shanti Sewa Griha is a self-sufficient society for leprosy victims and other social outcasts. It was established back in 1992 with 13 leprosy victims and since then its been doing stupendous job. Second was appointment of Nepalese priest at pashupatinath. It will stop millions of rupees (money offered to god as Bheti) going to India. I hope for the transparency of the money collected and its proper use for social causes.
Though these are small developments compared to Godzilian problems we face today, they are able to create some positive news headlines in Nepal. If positives keep coming even at small packages, they will be able to build some inspirated ambiance, which certainly is a fuel for progressive society.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
It was crazy. We all were novice at driving but planned a long trip for five days, which involved hectic driving but everything went fine . There were few unexpected twists in the plan and it added more fun. Weather predictions were really really bad but we were lucky all the time. We never encountered heavy snow fall, sometimes missing it by just hours wherever we go. Got chance to meet so many old friends from engineering college and it was always going to be fun. We were driving during nights and enjoying the days but never felt tired during the trip. Tiredness was surely due but only after the trip. I started to get hint of it while returning, during the final couple hours of driving back home. After trip I have gone into deep sleep whenever I get chance. I am feeling much better from today and will have to immerse into study after this weekend without caring much about Christmas break. I think thats what its like to be student, fun and study/work at crazy hours.
Oops I almost forgot to mention where we went. We went straight to Indianapolis, then findlay (Ohio), to detroit, to Chicago and finally back to Brookings.
Soon I will try to post blog on Ram Bahadur Bomjan which I have been planning to write from long time.
Oops I almost forgot to mention where we went. We went straight to Indianapolis, then findlay (Ohio), to detroit, to Chicago and finally back to Brookings.
Soon I will try to post blog on Ram Bahadur Bomjan which I have been planning to write from long time.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Movie Magic or Tragic ?
Never once I have found a Movie doing justice to its Novel. May be I am insatiable in this case as I love books more than movies. Movies are time efficient way to garner information but more often than not it also limits the info as its impossible to cramp up everything in couple hours. I love books because it gives more detailed info but more than that it never restricts imagination as movies do. I can bet many guys similar from my background will see Arun Govil when anyone reminds them of Lord Ram because our early impression of Ramayan was through Ramananda Sagar's Ramayan and Arun Govil's portrayal of Lord Ram was brilliant.
But why am I talking it today?
Because today I watched “The Kite Runner” movie based on the Novel of the same name. I think the movie tried its best to do justice to the Novel but even the best try was not enough to change the views of stubborn critic like me. There were numerous occasions in Novel when I was strongly moved but I felt little sad to miss those plots or see it so shortened, that it was not as effective as it was originally.My experience with “The DAVinci Code” was even worse. The movie is so fast-paced that makes it very difficult to comprehend without reading the Novel first. My friends also share similar experiences .One of them said “The Godfather movie is loads of crap compared to the Novel”.
Its not that I have never liked a movie based on a Book. I absolutely loved “A Beautiful Mind” and “The Pursuit of Happiness” to give few good example, but the reason behind their liking is I never had chance to read their corresponding books.
Thanks for reading my opinion but what's your take?
But why am I talking it today?
Because today I watched “The Kite Runner” movie based on the Novel of the same name. I think the movie tried its best to do justice to the Novel but even the best try was not enough to change the views of stubborn critic like me. There were numerous occasions in Novel when I was strongly moved but I felt little sad to miss those plots or see it so shortened, that it was not as effective as it was originally.My experience with “The DAVinci Code” was even worse. The movie is so fast-paced that makes it very difficult to comprehend without reading the Novel first. My friends also share similar experiences .One of them said “The Godfather movie is loads of crap compared to the Novel”.
Its not that I have never liked a movie based on a Book. I absolutely loved “A Beautiful Mind” and “The Pursuit of Happiness” to give few good example, but the reason behind their liking is I never had chance to read their corresponding books.
Thanks for reading my opinion but what's your take?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Perfect Accountant and Lazy Communist
I studied Thermodynamics starting from my science class in school and I still remember how joyfully I used to reiterate “Energy can neither be created and nor be destroyed”. I loved this law and later learned that this principle is basic to the first law of thermodynamics.
Recently I stumbled upon an Interesting article which described Mother Nature as a perfect accountant but also lazy communist based upon the law of thermodynamics. Let me try to explain this in entertaining way.
Perfect Accountant: Nature has to perform meticulous accounting because energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, though it readily changes forms. So, Mother Nature makes sure that there is always exactly as much energy around after something happens as there was before.
Lazy Communist: Please don’t judge me wrong I am not being harsh. My only concern now is to entertain you. The Lazy communist part comes from the second law of thermodynamics. Lazy because natural systems generally tend toward the lowest energy state possible and Communist because natural systems also tend toward the most equal distribution of energy. Aa…ha that’s why every morning the cream I pour into my coffee blends evenly throughout the cup, even if I don’t stir it.
Today I locked apartment’s key inside so in effect I was locked outside. To make good use of time I went to university’s dairy for Ice-cream. On my way back, all of a sudden the Ice-cream dropped and I could do nothing but watch the hot asphalt melt fallen ice-cream. Obviously I was saddened by the incident but it was all natural thing happening. Heat always travels from areas of high energy to low, so asphalt melted the ice-cream rather than drawing heat from it and thus keeping it frozen.
Natural events always proceed towards states of grater disorder. That’s why every once in a while my shoelaces come untied and never once they have retied themselves. That’s probably the reason why my desk always get messier and never neater (Its all governed by the natural laws who am I to change it).
Recently I stumbled upon an Interesting article which described Mother Nature as a perfect accountant but also lazy communist based upon the law of thermodynamics. Let me try to explain this in entertaining way.
Perfect Accountant: Nature has to perform meticulous accounting because energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, though it readily changes forms. So, Mother Nature makes sure that there is always exactly as much energy around after something happens as there was before.
Lazy Communist: Please don’t judge me wrong I am not being harsh. My only concern now is to entertain you. The Lazy communist part comes from the second law of thermodynamics. Lazy because natural systems generally tend toward the lowest energy state possible and Communist because natural systems also tend toward the most equal distribution of energy. Aa…ha that’s why every morning the cream I pour into my coffee blends evenly throughout the cup, even if I don’t stir it.
Today I locked apartment’s key inside so in effect I was locked outside. To make good use of time I went to university’s dairy for Ice-cream. On my way back, all of a sudden the Ice-cream dropped and I could do nothing but watch the hot asphalt melt fallen ice-cream. Obviously I was saddened by the incident but it was all natural thing happening. Heat always travels from areas of high energy to low, so asphalt melted the ice-cream rather than drawing heat from it and thus keeping it frozen.
Natural events always proceed towards states of grater disorder. That’s why every once in a while my shoelaces come untied and never once they have retied themselves. That’s probably the reason why my desk always get messier and never neater (Its all governed by the natural laws who am I to change it).
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Once upon a time when I was relatively smaller (in size, shape, age and also in thinking) I heard an astonishing fact. It goes like this “Only 29.2% of earth’s surface is land and rest is water (70.8%)”. “My goodness” I shouted and the reaction was pretty obvious because I never found great deal of water when I traveled around (It was more obvious in summer when me and my brother after finishing our morning school had to walk almost a mile to transport water from ever shrinking small well). Yes I knew earlier from my school textbooks that there are cool stuffs like seas and oceans as well but it never came to my imagination that water is actually more than land. To add to this astonishment I later found that water is responsible for 61.8% of human body weight.
I still do read, hear and participate in “water talk”. It seems human always find enjoyment in knowing the percentage of water in every imaginable object. The “% of water” talk goes from coconut to cocktail, from brain to bread and from mango to mars. But for the sake of change and also to make these talks even more interesting, today I have taken another entity in consideration instead of water and that coincidentally is the title of the story “Void”. We all know that an atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element. In an Atom, Protons and neutrons are approximately the same size, while electrons are very much smaller. Now to take the discussion further lets take the example of a helium atom. If a basketball were used to represent the nucleus of a helium atom, then, on the same scale, softballs could represent the individual protons and neutrons, while large garden peas could represent the electrons. In this case, the diameter of an electron’s orbit would be approximately equal to the length of 250 American football fields [1]. Thus, the majority of an atom consists of void. If majority of atom is void then majority of us is void and it applies to everything around us. Yes, that’s the point I was trying to make. Now, just imagine your size excluding the void.
The bible says “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:25). But if all the empty space were removed from the atoms it would be possible for the camel to pass through the eye of a needle (Good news for rich man?). Oops wait a minute if all the void were removed from the atoms if will not only shrink the camel but also the needle. (Better luck next time “rich man”)
1. Bebop to the Boolean Boogie by Clive Maxfield.
I still do read, hear and participate in “water talk”. It seems human always find enjoyment in knowing the percentage of water in every imaginable object. The “% of water” talk goes from coconut to cocktail, from brain to bread and from mango to mars. But for the sake of change and also to make these talks even more interesting, today I have taken another entity in consideration instead of water and that coincidentally is the title of the story “Void”. We all know that an atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element. In an Atom, Protons and neutrons are approximately the same size, while electrons are very much smaller. Now to take the discussion further lets take the example of a helium atom. If a basketball were used to represent the nucleus of a helium atom, then, on the same scale, softballs could represent the individual protons and neutrons, while large garden peas could represent the electrons. In this case, the diameter of an electron’s orbit would be approximately equal to the length of 250 American football fields [1]. Thus, the majority of an atom consists of void. If majority of atom is void then majority of us is void and it applies to everything around us. Yes, that’s the point I was trying to make. Now, just imagine your size excluding the void.
The bible says “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:25). But if all the empty space were removed from the atoms it would be possible for the camel to pass through the eye of a needle (Good news for rich man?). Oops wait a minute if all the void were removed from the atoms if will not only shrink the camel but also the needle. (Better luck next time “rich man”)
1. Bebop to the Boolean Boogie by Clive Maxfield.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Liberty Featured Number "90"

Happy 90th Birthday to Mr. Nelson Mandela. 18th July is not just Mr. Mandela’s Day but a cause for celebration to all the freedom loving people in the world. 90 is the remarkable latest addition to his life which consists of some other remarkable numbers. Like 27 years in prison in Robben Island but more interesting number is his number of awards. Mandela has received more than one hundred awards over four decades, most notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993
So, 90 is this weeks Liberty Featured Number and it is dedicated to all you wonderful freedom loving persons wherever you are.
Next week’s number? is the limit for the Guess Work.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
G8 Summit Irony: Discussing Global Food Crisis with 18 Course Banquet

British Prime Minister suggested his country mates that stopping wastage of food would be one of the better ways to combat current global food crisis. Mr. Brown made these comments after going through a Government report which concluded that 4.1 million tonnes of food was being wasted by householders. He suggested that Britons can save up to £8 a week if they embrace prudence and thrift in kitchens. Its necessary to reduce “unnecessary demand” for food, he further added. But just after two days of his urging he sat down with leaders (and of course their wives) of leading industrialized nations to an 18-course gastronomic extravaganza at a G8 summit in Japan.
But the extravagance of the menus drew disapproval from many critics who thought it hypocritical to produce such a lavish meal when world food supplies are under threat. Dominic Nutt (Save the Children charity) did not like the idea. “It is deeply hypocritical that they should be lavishing course after course on world leaders when there is a food crisis and millions cannot afford a decent meal,” he said.
In 2005, at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, world leaders promised to increase global aid by £25billion a year by 2010 and raise aid to Africa, the world's poorest continent, by £12.5billion. But the bloc of rich nations is only 14 per cent of the way towards hitting its target.

And the world’s poor have no other option but to look for these leaders to stand by their pledges of three years ago at Gleneagles.
Source:dailymail news
Saturday, July 5, 2008
You Know What? I missed my Blog’s Anniversary. I should have posted this on the Anniversary day, anyways lets move on.
It was on 27th June last year around 5:00 Pm in the afternoon, after returning from DAK I rushed to Library, gave a Bizarre URL for my Blog home, named it Liberty and came up with first post “Beginning”. I always liked the idea of Liberty as I have always believed in Responsible Freedom. I am happy that I maintained this habit of Blogging, but more than that rediscovered my interest of writing.
There were total 37 posts in Liberty, I wrote 33 of them. Almost three in a month, not bad I suppose. It would be nice if I can increase the number this year, but I am little concerned about the quantity. This year too I will strive towards improving the quality of my posts; try to be more diverse and interesting at the same time.
Thank you to all visitors of Liberty for stopping by, reading and leaving comments. I must say your comments along with my own resolution are fuel for liberty; they are most important impetus that will keep Liberty moving and improving.
It was on 27th June last year around 5:00 Pm in the afternoon, after returning from DAK I rushed to Library, gave a Bizarre URL for my Blog home, named it Liberty and came up with first post “Beginning”. I always liked the idea of Liberty as I have always believed in Responsible Freedom. I am happy that I maintained this habit of Blogging, but more than that rediscovered my interest of writing.
There were total 37 posts in Liberty, I wrote 33 of them. Almost three in a month, not bad I suppose. It would be nice if I can increase the number this year, but I am little concerned about the quantity. This year too I will strive towards improving the quality of my posts; try to be more diverse and interesting at the same time.
Thank you to all visitors of Liberty for stopping by, reading and leaving comments. I must say your comments along with my own resolution are fuel for liberty; they are most important impetus that will keep Liberty moving and improving.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Liberty Featured Number "119"
119 is this week’s featured number.
According to the first 'World Map of Happiness', Nepal is the 119th happiest place in the world. The map is prepared by Adrian White, a British analytic social psychologist from University of Leicester and it rates 178 countries. The study considered three parameters Health, Wealth and Access to Education as major sources of happiness. Denmark comes out as the Happiest Place while Burundi came out as Unhappiest. Our neighbors China (82), SriLanka (93) and Bangladesh (104) are considered happier place than Nepal whereas India (125) and Pakistan (166) are less happy.
It is up to the readers to buy this or not but that’s what the report says.
Yes, 119th happiest nation on earth is Nepal and 119 is this week’s number. Hope we will rank higher as we reach political stability and move away from domestic violence but for today I will leave you with 119.
According to the first 'World Map of Happiness', Nepal is the 119th happiest place in the world. The map is prepared by Adrian White, a British analytic social psychologist from University of Leicester and it rates 178 countries. The study considered three parameters Health, Wealth and Access to Education as major sources of happiness. Denmark comes out as the Happiest Place while Burundi came out as Unhappiest. Our neighbors China (82), SriLanka (93) and Bangladesh (104) are considered happier place than Nepal whereas India (125) and Pakistan (166) are less happy.
It is up to the readers to buy this or not but that’s what the report says.
Yes, 119th happiest nation on earth is Nepal and 119 is this week’s number. Hope we will rank higher as we reach political stability and move away from domestic violence but for today I will leave you with 119.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Racist Mahatma
This is certainly controversial, may be little disturbing to some people but the argument has point. I was supremely surprised to know Gandhi; the well known Mahatma certainly harbored Anti-Black views and even despised them. Its not just allegations, but Gandhi’s own words prove it. What surprises me is the fact that its not some hidden documents that attempts to bring the real person behind the veil of divinity, the information are left openly and still majority of people do not know it and the issue is never seriously debated. It certainly has to do with his impression and popularity among general public around the world. The official collection of Gandhi’s writings “Collected Works” are available online @ In his speech at public meeting Bombay on 26th of September, 1896 he said the following on the famous Indian struggle in South Africa
“Ours is one continual struggle against a degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir whose occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with and, then, pass his life in indolence and nakedness”. (Kaffir, Kaffer or Kafir is a derogatory term to refer to Black South Africans).
Gandhi even went further to say “The aim of the Christian Governments, so we read, is to raise people whom they come in contact with or whom they control. It is otherwise in South Africa. There, the deliberately expressed object is not to allow the Indian to rise higher in the scale of civilization but to lower him to the position of the Kaffir” in the same speech.(The speech can be found @ first volume (i.e., July 4, 1888 - November 30, 1896 page 407)
We all know about the famous train incident involving Gandhi where he was thrown out of the train for traveling in compartment which was only reserved for whites. The incident is also portrayed in the famous 1982 Hollywood movie “Gandhi” but going through Gandhi’s own words on this incident it becomes clear that he had no intentions to let Blacks travel by train. In Johannesburg Letter in May 26 1906 under the heading “The Tram Case” Gandhi writes “You say that the Magistrate’s decision is unsatisfactory, because it would enable a person, however unclean, to travel by a tram and that even the Kaffirs would be able to do so. But the Magistrate’s decision is quite different. The Court has declared that the Kaffirs have no legal right to travel by the trams. And, according to tram regulations, those in an unclean dress or in a drunken state are prohibited from boarding a tram. Thanks to the Court’s decision, only clean Indians or Coloured people other than Kaffirs can now travel by the trams” (These words can be found on Page 235, volume 5 of Collected Works)
Its not that Gandhi was fighting against the British colony in South Africa; he was just looking for freedom of Indians and actually defended the idea of colony. Gandhi always wanted the Indian share of responsibility in defending the colony and even joined British Forces and became ambulance stretcher bearer to help suppress Black rebellion in 1906 famously known as Bambetta Rebellion. Gandhi on behalf of the Indians living in South Africa requested the Government to accept their help in this fight against Blacks. The article published under the heading “Indians and the Native Unrest” in the newspaper Indian opinion (Run by Gandhi in South Africa) on June 9th 1906 writes “The Government have at last accepted the offer of the Indian community, and put it upon its mettle. By way of experiment, they want a corps of twenty stretcher-bearers” it further writes “The acceptance by the Government synchronizes with the amendment of the Fire-Arms Act, providing for the supply of arms to Indians, and the statement made by Mr. Maydon to the effect that the Government intended to give Indians an opportunity of taking their share in the defence of the Colony” and It even went on to write “The Government have, by accepting the offer, shown their goodwill. And if Indians come successfully through the ordeal, the possibilities for the future are very great. Should they be assigned a permanent part in the Militia, there will remain no ground for the European complaint that Europeans alone have to bear the brunt of Colonial defence, and Indians will cease to feel that, in not being allowed to participate in it, they are slighted”. (Refer page 258, Volume 5, Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi).
Gandhi even persuaded Indians forcefully to volunteer in the suppression. The article “Should Indians Volunteer or Not?” published on June 30, 1906 in Indian Opinion is a proof. Towards the end the article writes “We have to learn much from what the whites are doing in Natal. There is hardly any family from which someone has not gone to fight the Kaffir rebels. Following their example, we should steel our hearts and take courage. Now is the time when the leading whites want us to take this step; if we let go this opportunity, we shall repent later. We therefore urge all Indian leaders to do their duty to the best of their ability”. (Refer page 273, Volume 5, Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi for full article)
In Gandhi’s Zulu war memoirs he has written “However, at about 12 o'clock we finished the day's journey, with no Kaffirs to fight.”(Page 280, Volume 5, Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi)
I almost spend my whole weekend preparing and writing this post and whatever study I did in last two days to write this article leaves me no doubt to conclude that the Well Known Mahatma is also a Little Known Racist. I am sure you will find many more proofs if you find time to go through the old archives on Gandhi.
Now after knowing all this, I think Gandhi was more like normal human being (with many imperfections) to start with and perhaps perfected himself more later on with time and experience. Even with imperfections Gandhi raised himself to the stature of Mahatma and without a shadow of doubt played most important role to free India and inspired the whole world through his nonviolence mantra. All these facts remind us the same old statement that we repeatedly hear “Only GOD is perfect” and after all Gandhi too was Human.
“Ours is one continual struggle against a degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir whose occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with and, then, pass his life in indolence and nakedness”. (Kaffir, Kaffer or Kafir is a derogatory term to refer to Black South Africans).
Gandhi even went further to say “The aim of the Christian Governments, so we read, is to raise people whom they come in contact with or whom they control. It is otherwise in South Africa. There, the deliberately expressed object is not to allow the Indian to rise higher in the scale of civilization but to lower him to the position of the Kaffir” in the same speech.(The speech can be found @ first volume (i.e., July 4, 1888 - November 30, 1896 page 407)
We all know about the famous train incident involving Gandhi where he was thrown out of the train for traveling in compartment which was only reserved for whites. The incident is also portrayed in the famous 1982 Hollywood movie “Gandhi” but going through Gandhi’s own words on this incident it becomes clear that he had no intentions to let Blacks travel by train. In Johannesburg Letter in May 26 1906 under the heading “The Tram Case” Gandhi writes “You say that the Magistrate’s decision is unsatisfactory, because it would enable a person, however unclean, to travel by a tram and that even the Kaffirs would be able to do so. But the Magistrate’s decision is quite different. The Court has declared that the Kaffirs have no legal right to travel by the trams. And, according to tram regulations, those in an unclean dress or in a drunken state are prohibited from boarding a tram. Thanks to the Court’s decision, only clean Indians or Coloured people other than Kaffirs can now travel by the trams” (These words can be found on Page 235, volume 5 of Collected Works)
Its not that Gandhi was fighting against the British colony in South Africa; he was just looking for freedom of Indians and actually defended the idea of colony. Gandhi always wanted the Indian share of responsibility in defending the colony and even joined British Forces and became ambulance stretcher bearer to help suppress Black rebellion in 1906 famously known as Bambetta Rebellion. Gandhi on behalf of the Indians living in South Africa requested the Government to accept their help in this fight against Blacks. The article published under the heading “Indians and the Native Unrest” in the newspaper Indian opinion (Run by Gandhi in South Africa) on June 9th 1906 writes “The Government have at last accepted the offer of the Indian community, and put it upon its mettle. By way of experiment, they want a corps of twenty stretcher-bearers” it further writes “The acceptance by the Government synchronizes with the amendment of the Fire-Arms Act, providing for the supply of arms to Indians, and the statement made by Mr. Maydon to the effect that the Government intended to give Indians an opportunity of taking their share in the defence of the Colony” and It even went on to write “The Government have, by accepting the offer, shown their goodwill. And if Indians come successfully through the ordeal, the possibilities for the future are very great. Should they be assigned a permanent part in the Militia, there will remain no ground for the European complaint that Europeans alone have to bear the brunt of Colonial defence, and Indians will cease to feel that, in not being allowed to participate in it, they are slighted”. (Refer page 258, Volume 5, Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi).
Gandhi even persuaded Indians forcefully to volunteer in the suppression. The article “Should Indians Volunteer or Not?” published on June 30, 1906 in Indian Opinion is a proof. Towards the end the article writes “We have to learn much from what the whites are doing in Natal. There is hardly any family from which someone has not gone to fight the Kaffir rebels. Following their example, we should steel our hearts and take courage. Now is the time when the leading whites want us to take this step; if we let go this opportunity, we shall repent later. We therefore urge all Indian leaders to do their duty to the best of their ability”. (Refer page 273, Volume 5, Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi for full article)
In Gandhi’s Zulu war memoirs he has written “However, at about 12 o'clock we finished the day's journey, with no Kaffirs to fight.”(Page 280, Volume 5, Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi)
I almost spend my whole weekend preparing and writing this post and whatever study I did in last two days to write this article leaves me no doubt to conclude that the Well Known Mahatma is also a Little Known Racist. I am sure you will find many more proofs if you find time to go through the old archives on Gandhi.
Now after knowing all this, I think Gandhi was more like normal human being (with many imperfections) to start with and perhaps perfected himself more later on with time and experience. Even with imperfections Gandhi raised himself to the stature of Mahatma and without a shadow of doubt played most important role to free India and inspired the whole world through his nonviolence mantra. All these facts remind us the same old statement that we repeatedly hear “Only GOD is perfect” and after all Gandhi too was Human.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Liberty Featured Number "24"

"24" is this week's featured number.
According to a report in 1997 by Bank of Boston economic department, if the companies founded by MIT graduates and faculty formed an independent nation, the revenues produced by the companies would make that nation the 24th largest economy in the world. MIT based companies roughly equal to a gross domestic product of $116 billion, which is a little less than the GDP of South Africa and more than the GDP of Thailand.
Yes 24th largest economy in the world. Check out next Friday for another Big Number. This week I will leave you with 24.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Summer Photographs
"Have enough of Grasses Lets try something different...oops it little harder though"
"Why this guy staring ?"....can somebody name this Bird ? I do not know
"Something delicious for dinner".I do not know the name of this bird either, time to join birdology 101 class
"Nice pose, Looks like top squirrel model"
"That stupid Tortoise is crawling too far behind, may be I should take a nap"
Friday, May 30, 2008
Liberty Featured Number "45"
Dear Readers,
"Liberty Featured Number" is a new feature added to this Blog. Every week (Possibly every Friday) I will present an interesting number formally called Liberty Featured Number and a story associated with it. Hope you will find it interesting.
45 is this week's Liberty Featured Number.
Studies have found that there are at least 45 different forms of "untouchability" being practiced by upper caste Hindus against Dalits in Tamil Nadu. Yes, 45 forms of "untouchability" in an Indian state which boasts itself as one of the most politically progressive and educationally advanced parts of the country.
"Liberty Featured Number" is a new feature added to this Blog. Every week (Possibly every Friday) I will present an interesting number formally called Liberty Featured Number and a story associated with it. Hope you will find it interesting.
45 is this week's Liberty Featured Number.
Studies have found that there are at least 45 different forms of "untouchability" being practiced by upper caste Hindus against Dalits in Tamil Nadu. Yes, 45 forms of "untouchability" in an Indian state which boasts itself as one of the most politically progressive and educationally advanced parts of the country.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
15 Days
Nepal is world’s newest republic till date. The used to be Himalayan Kingdom is Himalayan republic now and the “used to be” King is given a 15 day ultimatum to leave the palace.
15 days! Will he leave on will? What if he doesn’t? What will military do? What if military supports him and there will be another coup? (If this happens then I suppose there will be another revolution in some time) Do our politicians have guts to kick him out if ultimatum is crossed? Or say, does our country have capability to withstand this political upheaval (especially withstanding foreign pressure)?
These are some of the common questions crossing through Nepalese head at this moment. But every one of us is also hoping for the best. Hoping for the better tomorrow, hoping for the politically progressive Nepal, hoping for peaceful Nepal once again, and hoping for prosperity. Yes those were the hopes that helped us endure our wounded past and will inspire us for our safer, superior future
15 days! Will he leave on will? What if he doesn’t? What will military do? What if military supports him and there will be another coup? (If this happens then I suppose there will be another revolution in some time) Do our politicians have guts to kick him out if ultimatum is crossed? Or say, does our country have capability to withstand this political upheaval (especially withstanding foreign pressure)?
These are some of the common questions crossing through Nepalese head at this moment. But every one of us is also hoping for the best. Hoping for the better tomorrow, hoping for the politically progressive Nepal, hoping for peaceful Nepal once again, and hoping for prosperity. Yes those were the hopes that helped us endure our wounded past and will inspire us for our safer, superior future
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Dalit Christians
One of the biggest sins that millions of people in world commit everyday probably would be discrimination. Discrimination based on anything, everything. One of the natural instincts of the mankind is to rule, to be a ruler in some sense. I believe this instinct has helped them advance scientifically but when in comes between human themselves it becomes nasty, ridiculous and abominable at the same time.
I do not understand how thinking like certain bunch of people are untouchables can even cross through somebody’s head. I wonder if there’s any person on earth who truly believe its god’s idea (but many of them still insist it is). Its not that people do not know or understand they just love to be ignorant on several issues, issues those favors them.
There are endless topics which give rise to discrimination and thorough discussion on those topics is out of the scope of this Blog. Lets only take one issue “religion” this time. N….No…No I think u got me wrong, its not inter-religion discrimination I am going to talk about but its intra-religion.
You might have known it already, there’s been a mass exodus of Hindus from Hinduism to Christianity in many parts of Nepal and India (there might be in other parts of the world as well but I do not know), intra-religion discrimination being one of the biggest factor. The other big issue would be economy (You will find many Christians organizations working to persuade Hindus to change their religion by giving them financial benefit)
The lower cast Hindus or dalits or untouchables tired of social injustice considers Christianity as a better shelter. They happily change their religion from dalit Hindus to Christians.
But does this end their apathy? Does this end the sad part of the story and mark the happy beginning?
A blunt “No” is the sad answer and the obstacle to their path to social equality are again the similar bunch of guys, the converted Christians who at one frame of time used to be the so called high class Hindus, who are essentially the same person inside whatever religion they embrace and whatever name they give to their almighty.
Christians who originate from the lower “Dalit” caste still face the similar challenges; they still remain segregated from the community and again find themselves humiliated, with separate pews, services, churches, and enclosures in cemeteries. The word “Dalit” still keeps haunting them. The “Dalit-Hindus” after being converted to Christianity become “Dalit-Christians” instead of regular Christians.
Its in Nepal, its in economically booming India and even within Indians living in USA. The technological advancement, the booming economy, and higher education everything has failed to bring down this virtual wall that keeps untouchables out.
Shame on our civilization!!
I do not understand how thinking like certain bunch of people are untouchables can even cross through somebody’s head. I wonder if there’s any person on earth who truly believe its god’s idea (but many of them still insist it is). Its not that people do not know or understand they just love to be ignorant on several issues, issues those favors them.
There are endless topics which give rise to discrimination and thorough discussion on those topics is out of the scope of this Blog. Lets only take one issue “religion” this time. N….No…No I think u got me wrong, its not inter-religion discrimination I am going to talk about but its intra-religion.
You might have known it already, there’s been a mass exodus of Hindus from Hinduism to Christianity in many parts of Nepal and India (there might be in other parts of the world as well but I do not know), intra-religion discrimination being one of the biggest factor. The other big issue would be economy (You will find many Christians organizations working to persuade Hindus to change their religion by giving them financial benefit)
The lower cast Hindus or dalits or untouchables tired of social injustice considers Christianity as a better shelter. They happily change their religion from dalit Hindus to Christians.
But does this end their apathy? Does this end the sad part of the story and mark the happy beginning?
A blunt “No” is the sad answer and the obstacle to their path to social equality are again the similar bunch of guys, the converted Christians who at one frame of time used to be the so called high class Hindus, who are essentially the same person inside whatever religion they embrace and whatever name they give to their almighty.
Christians who originate from the lower “Dalit” caste still face the similar challenges; they still remain segregated from the community and again find themselves humiliated, with separate pews, services, churches, and enclosures in cemeteries. The word “Dalit” still keeps haunting them. The “Dalit-Hindus” after being converted to Christianity become “Dalit-Christians” instead of regular Christians.
Its in Nepal, its in economically booming India and even within Indians living in USA. The technological advancement, the booming economy, and higher education everything has failed to bring down this virtual wall that keeps untouchables out.
Shame on our civilization!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Scientific Impossibility ?
We really did not have any work today. Everyone was slacking around, looking at weather predictions, talking about gas prices, amount of snow fall in South Dakota this year. So, having free time today I thought of reading little about Time Travel. Time Travel is such a Great idea for a Fiction but is it a scientific possibility? I am by no means qualified to analyze this. I do not understand the current physics how can I be able to analyze something that goes far beyond it?
The scientific world is so polarized in this issue that it just confuses me more. Stephen Hawking once said if time travel is possible where are the alien tourists from different time travelling earth and taking pictures around? Michio Kaka says perhaps we are not very interesting to these tourists from future. Are we worth a damn to these tourists? May be we are just too arrogant to think as technologically advanced and hope the tourist to visit us.
Well, there have been endless debates on this and we cannot really hope to get it resolved in near future. But history has taught us over and over again to be really careful to completely dismiss scientific ideas.
Here are few examples:
"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." (Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895)
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." (Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943)
"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home." (Ken Olsen, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977)
"The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." (Western Union internal memo, 1876)
"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." (Marshal Ferdinand Foch, French commander of Allied forces during the closing months of World War I, 1918)
"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" (David Sarnoff's associates, in response to his urgings for investment in radio in the 1920's)
"Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools." (New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work, 1921)
"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" (Harry M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927)
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." (Charles H. Duell, commissioner, US Office of Patents, 1899)
Sources for Quotes: Time: A Traveler's Guide, by Clifford A. Pickover
The scientific world is so polarized in this issue that it just confuses me more. Stephen Hawking once said if time travel is possible where are the alien tourists from different time travelling earth and taking pictures around? Michio Kaka says perhaps we are not very interesting to these tourists from future. Are we worth a damn to these tourists? May be we are just too arrogant to think as technologically advanced and hope the tourist to visit us.
Well, there have been endless debates on this and we cannot really hope to get it resolved in near future. But history has taught us over and over again to be really careful to completely dismiss scientific ideas.
Here are few examples:
"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." (Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895)
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." (Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943)
"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home." (Ken Olsen, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977)
"The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." (Western Union internal memo, 1876)
"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." (Marshal Ferdinand Foch, French commander of Allied forces during the closing months of World War I, 1918)
"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" (David Sarnoff's associates, in response to his urgings for investment in radio in the 1920's)
"Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools." (New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work, 1921)
"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" (Harry M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927)
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." (Charles H. Duell, commissioner, US Office of Patents, 1899)
Sources for Quotes: Time: A Traveler's Guide, by Clifford A. Pickover
Sunday, April 13, 2008
What next in Nepal?
Surprised? Well everyone is. Who would have thought this result? Not even Maoists I am pretty sure. Now, after everyone’s initial misjudgments, there seems to be all shorts of analysis coming from all direction for how this happened and what will happen next. Is it Maoists doing too good or other big parties doing too badly or both?
In my “not so rigorous” analysis I have outlined few issues which caused this major political turnover.
1.Incompetence of NC and UML: The two biggest parties (Not anymore) Nepali Congress and UML lacked proper judgment in many issues. They depended too much on result of last election in 1999, still thought all the people are behind them and will back them even in big number with Maoists still struggling to throw away the terrorist tag and pro-royalists parties having no chance thanks to the rock bottom popularity of King. The election appeared no more than a cakewalk for them without realizing the big number (35%) of first time voters and frustration of old voters who tired after all the dirty politics wish nothing more than peace.
These two parties just talked much on changing the fate of the country without realizing its themselves who needed change even more. The parties who were such a vocal supporter of democracy lacked democratic practice within the party. Wouldn’t the people of Nepal have felt better if Girija Prasad hadn’t chosen his infamous daughter as minister for no known responsibility? Did Nepali Congress ever realize how the general public would feel before giving party’s nomination to the likes of Khum bahadur, Govinda Raj and Chiranjeevi Wagle despite their notorious misdeeds? Did UML ever realize that their top level politicians never have concrete plan for future even for the most sensitive issues of the country?
While these parties were complacent and were lost in reverie, Maoists were campaigning hard to win precious Nepalese votes and equally important (if not more) foreign approval. While Maoists were plastering city’s walls with posters and sending SMSs for their support UML and NC were busy in futile discussions. With NC and UML not doing any better people chose to give a chance to Maoists, what other options did they have?
2.People’s longing for Peace: After decade long civil war Nepalese people desired peace more than anything else. Many people caved in to the pressure exerted my Maoists that they will go back to jungle if they do badly in election (This certainly was a undemocratic and crappy politics but it played effectively for Maoists)
3.Anti Monarch Brain Wave: Nepalese prefer many different things in different situation but majority (if not all) hate one thing in common i.e., Monarchy. People depended more on Maoists than any other party for democratic republic. After all Republic Nepal was originally conceived by Maoists.
4.Violent Threats in Rural Nepal: No one can disagree, Maoists still terrorize people (may be not in the scale they used to do couple years ago but still they do). The past still hunts people in rural Nepal and we all know Nepal is more rural than urban.
So what will happen next? This certainly is the million dollar question. I know people having different political brain will have different opinions on the result. For some its entirely positive, some differ equally and many are not entirely sure whether this change will bring better changes in the country. Its certainly too early to predict what will happen next but from the results so far I have drawn few positives.
1.The result is an eye-opener for so called big guys of Nepalese politics. Their confidence that there is no replacement for them no matter what they do is shattered into pieces.
2.With loss of all (popular to little known) koiralas, chances are strong that Koirala Nepotism will end and much better politicians will get chance to move upward in political ladder within Nepali Congress. This fresh beginning will not only benefit the NC party but also the whole country.
3.Finally, this major shock has provided opportunity to both UML and NC to purify and improve them. If they can do this, it will immensely benefit Nepal as these parties still pack the punch and still have a big role to play in country’s future.
………but I am still not sure how Maoists led Constitutional assembly will fix the big issues of Nepal. I am hoping best, keeping my finger crossed trying to stay positive as much as I can and how about you?
In my “not so rigorous” analysis I have outlined few issues which caused this major political turnover.
1.Incompetence of NC and UML: The two biggest parties (Not anymore) Nepali Congress and UML lacked proper judgment in many issues. They depended too much on result of last election in 1999, still thought all the people are behind them and will back them even in big number with Maoists still struggling to throw away the terrorist tag and pro-royalists parties having no chance thanks to the rock bottom popularity of King. The election appeared no more than a cakewalk for them without realizing the big number (35%) of first time voters and frustration of old voters who tired after all the dirty politics wish nothing more than peace.
These two parties just talked much on changing the fate of the country without realizing its themselves who needed change even more. The parties who were such a vocal supporter of democracy lacked democratic practice within the party. Wouldn’t the people of Nepal have felt better if Girija Prasad hadn’t chosen his infamous daughter as minister for no known responsibility? Did Nepali Congress ever realize how the general public would feel before giving party’s nomination to the likes of Khum bahadur, Govinda Raj and Chiranjeevi Wagle despite their notorious misdeeds? Did UML ever realize that their top level politicians never have concrete plan for future even for the most sensitive issues of the country?
While these parties were complacent and were lost in reverie, Maoists were campaigning hard to win precious Nepalese votes and equally important (if not more) foreign approval. While Maoists were plastering city’s walls with posters and sending SMSs for their support UML and NC were busy in futile discussions. With NC and UML not doing any better people chose to give a chance to Maoists, what other options did they have?
2.People’s longing for Peace: After decade long civil war Nepalese people desired peace more than anything else. Many people caved in to the pressure exerted my Maoists that they will go back to jungle if they do badly in election (This certainly was a undemocratic and crappy politics but it played effectively for Maoists)
3.Anti Monarch Brain Wave: Nepalese prefer many different things in different situation but majority (if not all) hate one thing in common i.e., Monarchy. People depended more on Maoists than any other party for democratic republic. After all Republic Nepal was originally conceived by Maoists.
4.Violent Threats in Rural Nepal: No one can disagree, Maoists still terrorize people (may be not in the scale they used to do couple years ago but still they do). The past still hunts people in rural Nepal and we all know Nepal is more rural than urban.
So what will happen next? This certainly is the million dollar question. I know people having different political brain will have different opinions on the result. For some its entirely positive, some differ equally and many are not entirely sure whether this change will bring better changes in the country. Its certainly too early to predict what will happen next but from the results so far I have drawn few positives.
1.The result is an eye-opener for so called big guys of Nepalese politics. Their confidence that there is no replacement for them no matter what they do is shattered into pieces.
2.With loss of all (popular to little known) koiralas, chances are strong that Koirala Nepotism will end and much better politicians will get chance to move upward in political ladder within Nepali Congress. This fresh beginning will not only benefit the NC party but also the whole country.
3.Finally, this major shock has provided opportunity to both UML and NC to purify and improve them. If they can do this, it will immensely benefit Nepal as these parties still pack the punch and still have a big role to play in country’s future.
………but I am still not sure how Maoists led Constitutional assembly will fix the big issues of Nepal. I am hoping best, keeping my finger crossed trying to stay positive as much as I can and how about you?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Life without Gossip…is this possible??
Author: Shrishti Kharel
Things which should be ignored at times could be so demanding among us. I wonder why we do like gossiping so much. How assertive we become when we fetch others issues, as if we don’t have enough of our own to saddle over. What a word comes to mind when we “gossip”? Spontaneously, “People” of course. How could we be blind and not be nerd to answer this question? We don’t mind at all making celebrity to some one of us with our big gossips. It has almost become our typical identity. Time should be employed in one way or the other. Right? Substantially it may be the only the cheap leisure activity with least consumption of creative work, so why wouldn’t anyone levy to it. The troubling truth is that we are obsessed to have knack for people and their happenings, skeptical on other’s performances without judging our own.
I have noticed often times, we reproach among ourselves that we belong to discrete community, “Nepalese”, as if we live to accomplish gossip trend. How long could we creep and not resume with constructive intellections? We write and think that “we need to make this world a better place to live.” The statement looks pretty darn good to me. But what percentage to this great idea is each of us contributing personally? Where all our accumulated wisdom and potentials are spilling over? Let’s think intently to this silent fact.
Our inertia is astonishing at times when it comes to appreciate third person. Giving credit to other’s achievements is not only intimidating but also out of reach among us. How much ever the weary and perplexed an issue could be, we still like to be entertained by chiseling others. What kind of satisfaction are we obtaining possessing such trivial personalities? How adequately are we utilizing our knowledge, education, experience, skills and time that we have acquired so far? I have started persuading myself this the only way our brain should function or genetically we all are born with some chronic defect which we ironclad to ourselves when it come to change, living in a positive and uplifting lifestyles.
Goals to live should means more than mere gossips. We could only anticipate an unproductive outcome through these petty talks instead why don’t we exhibit a realign personality or engage ourselves with activities that makes life fuller? What rights have we got to jeopardized someone else’s life, and why not “we mind our own damn business?” Stupid brings “people” and smart brings “things” to their conversations. I fully agree, it is not that easy to infringe crowds and to be ourselves.
Let’s not forget we all have different strengths and weaknesses. We sure can discern our own weaknesses first before sharpening at others. We don’t need to gossip and dig into other’s personal matter in order to enhance our social etiquettes or endeavor our own successes. Why are we paralyzing ourselves by representing our dull, boring, noninspiring, insidious and vicious characters? We create our rivalry world. We are always rushed to be the first to spot others shortcomings. Offering free opinion without being demanded is our other specialty. We boast on our tiny little possessions. I am curious how further we need to educate ourselves or have an advance degrees to change ourselves or where do we go and live so that we could make worthy living tomorrow.
We know, together we could develop reciprocation, explore more horizons in science, attain more peace of mind and make a difference. If we express ourselves without any restraint, freely expressing our feelings, then we would live like savages. Let’s not reflect an obscure imprint of our own. Let’s not exploit the opportunities we are blessed with when we know half of our nation’s citizens live below the poverty line. Let’s seek the better investment of our intelligence in other way rather than gossiping; soon, otherwise, there will have huge outcry of not only poverty but also righteous citizens.
Things which should be ignored at times could be so demanding among us. I wonder why we do like gossiping so much. How assertive we become when we fetch others issues, as if we don’t have enough of our own to saddle over. What a word comes to mind when we “gossip”? Spontaneously, “People” of course. How could we be blind and not be nerd to answer this question? We don’t mind at all making celebrity to some one of us with our big gossips. It has almost become our typical identity. Time should be employed in one way or the other. Right? Substantially it may be the only the cheap leisure activity with least consumption of creative work, so why wouldn’t anyone levy to it. The troubling truth is that we are obsessed to have knack for people and their happenings, skeptical on other’s performances without judging our own.
I have noticed often times, we reproach among ourselves that we belong to discrete community, “Nepalese”, as if we live to accomplish gossip trend. How long could we creep and not resume with constructive intellections? We write and think that “we need to make this world a better place to live.” The statement looks pretty darn good to me. But what percentage to this great idea is each of us contributing personally? Where all our accumulated wisdom and potentials are spilling over? Let’s think intently to this silent fact.
Our inertia is astonishing at times when it comes to appreciate third person. Giving credit to other’s achievements is not only intimidating but also out of reach among us. How much ever the weary and perplexed an issue could be, we still like to be entertained by chiseling others. What kind of satisfaction are we obtaining possessing such trivial personalities? How adequately are we utilizing our knowledge, education, experience, skills and time that we have acquired so far? I have started persuading myself this the only way our brain should function or genetically we all are born with some chronic defect which we ironclad to ourselves when it come to change, living in a positive and uplifting lifestyles.
Goals to live should means more than mere gossips. We could only anticipate an unproductive outcome through these petty talks instead why don’t we exhibit a realign personality or engage ourselves with activities that makes life fuller? What rights have we got to jeopardized someone else’s life, and why not “we mind our own damn business?” Stupid brings “people” and smart brings “things” to their conversations. I fully agree, it is not that easy to infringe crowds and to be ourselves.
Let’s not forget we all have different strengths and weaknesses. We sure can discern our own weaknesses first before sharpening at others. We don’t need to gossip and dig into other’s personal matter in order to enhance our social etiquettes or endeavor our own successes. Why are we paralyzing ourselves by representing our dull, boring, noninspiring, insidious and vicious characters? We create our rivalry world. We are always rushed to be the first to spot others shortcomings. Offering free opinion without being demanded is our other specialty. We boast on our tiny little possessions. I am curious how further we need to educate ourselves or have an advance degrees to change ourselves or where do we go and live so that we could make worthy living tomorrow.
We know, together we could develop reciprocation, explore more horizons in science, attain more peace of mind and make a difference. If we express ourselves without any restraint, freely expressing our feelings, then we would live like savages. Let’s not reflect an obscure imprint of our own. Let’s not exploit the opportunities we are blessed with when we know half of our nation’s citizens live below the poverty line. Let’s seek the better investment of our intelligence in other way rather than gossiping; soon, otherwise, there will have huge outcry of not only poverty but also righteous citizens.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Health Care in the U.S…what a big deal!
Author: Shristhi Kharel
I am very concerned about my future that I oversee myself residing in this country. Both of my grandparents lived till their 90’s, which is amazing to have this kind of life expectancy from Nepal with limited modern medical technologies, manpower and resources.
I had figured that I will live longer here in the U.S and not be the victim of rampant shootouts of either police or of some political parties followers that if I have stayed in Nepal.
Apparently that is not real case scenario in the U.S. 43.6 million Americans do not have health insurance which constituent of roughly 16 percent of the entire population. People who could afford to have, had reduced their other needs, such recreational, and entertaining and many others so forth. I debate myself over to this awakening issue that I am not even a US citizen, so where do I stand a chance of possessing affordable healthy living. Ridiculous as this may seemed, my student health insurance doesn’t cover medical bills that I may incur for next few years, such as, my eye and dental check ups. So why am I paying for the other services which I have not used in the past years? Where would I go tomorrow and if something happens holding my health insurance which has so limited coverage?
Let me examine my options here briefly. Astute decision would be running down across the boarder to either Canada or to Cuba. At least I will be assured that I will not pass out of not being able to afford for the treatment. Or deliberately, if I choose to live in the soil of the United States with so having “world class immediate treatment”, the stress of owning huge medical bills would not be of any less sore. Statistics reveals to me that an average American makes $48,201.00 annually. One simple surgery would cost me fortune.
I might have to have three jobs to sustain myself. Why not? After all I live in the “Land of Opportunities.” I can get job anytime I walk into to Wal-Mart, McDonalds or to Pizza hut. They always hire people. I may end up working till I die to come up with the payment. After all I am liable for the choices I make.
Acknowledging, my life’s worth weighs the same in either places, in Nepal or in the U.S. I may not survive for long in Nepal. And if I do in the U.S, it would be at the verge of relentless pressure and stress. I wonder when I would be able to get out of this rat race.
May I take your attention to share the great “American Dreams” that we all have seen when we had left home? I am certainly not misleaded here; I am not only coping with luxurious living at the moment.
We need to raise health literacy to disseminate awareness. The question now arises where should we go and prosecute our problems if encountered tomorrow? What is going on beneath the surface of these world leading billion dollars health insurance companies, such as, Aetna, Humana or United Health Care? Are they justifiable to our needs or only to premiums, deductibles or co-payments? Assuredly, Medicare or Medicaid is of no help to all non US citizens.
It is a felony to turn down to any patient who walks to seek for an emergency care, irrespective of their color, race or their legal residing status in the U.S. I was relieved when I found out this piece of information. Without holding a complete covered health insurance or even without holding any type of health insurance I could seek for an emergency treatment. The oath taken by every medical professional prohibits them to violate this federal law under any circumstances. They must treat their patients equally and immediately until they are stable and dischargeable. I could not expect “Red Carpet Treatment” there but at least I do not need to be cringed in agony and pain of my illness. Not that I would like the Government to become charitable for my needs, but I would not want to abandon my hope of living before even conceiving my alternatives.
Nonprofit hospitals, such as teaching hospitals; have their county hospitals or health care clinics in the city or in the same county where medical treatments are bit affordable. It may not be flawless, but it is still available. Personally I think, conscious effort should be made to pay for the visit to these teaching hospitals (the one which has medical schools) in a dire crisis. Assuming my life could be so much pleasant to live with undue worries, I could rely on to some shelter for treatment. Otherwise, I was almost convinced that I was truly turning into an “American” with long years of fatigue days, sleepless nights, and a slave to my work.
These days, my responsibility has summed up. I more vigilant over to the Presidential campaigns I see and more often on television channels. Hillary’s “Universal Health Coverage” Vs Obama’s “Change Begins with You.” How do they recognize how many strains I endure everyday just to lead a normal life? Every individual deserves a sound healthy living. Let’s be optimistic that these political stumps and promises would meet their pledges someday.
I am very concerned about my future that I oversee myself residing in this country. Both of my grandparents lived till their 90’s, which is amazing to have this kind of life expectancy from Nepal with limited modern medical technologies, manpower and resources.
I had figured that I will live longer here in the U.S and not be the victim of rampant shootouts of either police or of some political parties followers that if I have stayed in Nepal.
Apparently that is not real case scenario in the U.S. 43.6 million Americans do not have health insurance which constituent of roughly 16 percent of the entire population. People who could afford to have, had reduced their other needs, such recreational, and entertaining and many others so forth. I debate myself over to this awakening issue that I am not even a US citizen, so where do I stand a chance of possessing affordable healthy living. Ridiculous as this may seemed, my student health insurance doesn’t cover medical bills that I may incur for next few years, such as, my eye and dental check ups. So why am I paying for the other services which I have not used in the past years? Where would I go tomorrow and if something happens holding my health insurance which has so limited coverage?
Let me examine my options here briefly. Astute decision would be running down across the boarder to either Canada or to Cuba. At least I will be assured that I will not pass out of not being able to afford for the treatment. Or deliberately, if I choose to live in the soil of the United States with so having “world class immediate treatment”, the stress of owning huge medical bills would not be of any less sore. Statistics reveals to me that an average American makes $48,201.00 annually. One simple surgery would cost me fortune.
I might have to have three jobs to sustain myself. Why not? After all I live in the “Land of Opportunities.” I can get job anytime I walk into to Wal-Mart, McDonalds or to Pizza hut. They always hire people. I may end up working till I die to come up with the payment. After all I am liable for the choices I make.
Acknowledging, my life’s worth weighs the same in either places, in Nepal or in the U.S. I may not survive for long in Nepal. And if I do in the U.S, it would be at the verge of relentless pressure and stress. I wonder when I would be able to get out of this rat race.
May I take your attention to share the great “American Dreams” that we all have seen when we had left home? I am certainly not misleaded here; I am not only coping with luxurious living at the moment.
We need to raise health literacy to disseminate awareness. The question now arises where should we go and prosecute our problems if encountered tomorrow? What is going on beneath the surface of these world leading billion dollars health insurance companies, such as, Aetna, Humana or United Health Care? Are they justifiable to our needs or only to premiums, deductibles or co-payments? Assuredly, Medicare or Medicaid is of no help to all non US citizens.
It is a felony to turn down to any patient who walks to seek for an emergency care, irrespective of their color, race or their legal residing status in the U.S. I was relieved when I found out this piece of information. Without holding a complete covered health insurance or even without holding any type of health insurance I could seek for an emergency treatment. The oath taken by every medical professional prohibits them to violate this federal law under any circumstances. They must treat their patients equally and immediately until they are stable and dischargeable. I could not expect “Red Carpet Treatment” there but at least I do not need to be cringed in agony and pain of my illness. Not that I would like the Government to become charitable for my needs, but I would not want to abandon my hope of living before even conceiving my alternatives.
Nonprofit hospitals, such as teaching hospitals; have their county hospitals or health care clinics in the city or in the same county where medical treatments are bit affordable. It may not be flawless, but it is still available. Personally I think, conscious effort should be made to pay for the visit to these teaching hospitals (the one which has medical schools) in a dire crisis. Assuming my life could be so much pleasant to live with undue worries, I could rely on to some shelter for treatment. Otherwise, I was almost convinced that I was truly turning into an “American” with long years of fatigue days, sleepless nights, and a slave to my work.
These days, my responsibility has summed up. I more vigilant over to the Presidential campaigns I see and more often on television channels. Hillary’s “Universal Health Coverage” Vs Obama’s “Change Begins with You.” How do they recognize how many strains I endure everyday just to lead a normal life? Every individual deserves a sound healthy living. Let’s be optimistic that these political stumps and promises would meet their pledges someday.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Book Talk
Read few books during spring break. Seven Pillars of health (Dr. Colbert), Audacity of Hope (Barack Obama), Modiaain ( B.P koirala) and Freakonomics (Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner).
Seven Pillars of Health - This is the Book that I most recently bought. Informative but boring at times (esp. for ignorant folks in medical field). But it changed some of my dietary habits little bit.
The Audacity of Hope – Good read. Nice to know some insights of Washington and American politics. No wonder Obama earned more than half million from royalties of his books in 2006 (More than half of his Income, his released tax returns says so). I am looking forward to read his First Book (Dreams from my father).
Modiaain – BP has written better stories than this. Mediocre by BP’s standard.
Freakonomics – Easily one of the best books I have ever read. My First study on economics can’t have any better. Everybody should read this. If morality says how people should act, economics says how do people act. Which is more dangerous for a child, a Gun or a Swimming pool? How does parenting matter (or doesn’t matter)? How’s crime related to abortion? Why drug dealers stay with their mom? How Drug dealers similar to guys at McDonalds or Wal-Mart? How are school teachers related to Sumo Wrestlers? How powerful is information esp. when it is abused? How similar are Real-Estate agents to Ku Klux Klan? Read the Book. Its for everyone, not just for freaks like me.
Seven Pillars of Health - This is the Book that I most recently bought. Informative but boring at times (esp. for ignorant folks in medical field). But it changed some of my dietary habits little bit.
The Audacity of Hope – Good read. Nice to know some insights of Washington and American politics. No wonder Obama earned more than half million from royalties of his books in 2006 (More than half of his Income, his released tax returns says so). I am looking forward to read his First Book (Dreams from my father).
Modiaain – BP has written better stories than this. Mediocre by BP’s standard.
Freakonomics – Easily one of the best books I have ever read. My First study on economics can’t have any better. Everybody should read this. If morality says how people should act, economics says how do people act. Which is more dangerous for a child, a Gun or a Swimming pool? How does parenting matter (or doesn’t matter)? How’s crime related to abortion? Why drug dealers stay with their mom? How Drug dealers similar to guys at McDonalds or Wal-Mart? How are school teachers related to Sumo Wrestlers? How powerful is information esp. when it is abused? How similar are Real-Estate agents to Ku Klux Klan? Read the Book. Its for everyone, not just for freaks like me.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Does equality for diversity group’s exist?
Author: Shrishti Kharel
This is the question my dear friends, as an international student, I have been trying to answered for past few years and still have not gotten to the core of it. The more I try to sense the consequences of being part of this system, educate myself about understanding custom of the U.S constitution, the more overwhelmed I become.
Since we all go to the University, let’s just explore how well diversity is implemented in the US University’s system.
Diversity has been fostered to some extent to the international student. Why not? We compose less than 10% of the student body and the tuition rate can is 3 times higher us than for the State residents or for citizens. After all diversity helps bring human richness via varied backgrounds, experience, knowledge and the school needs us.
I am sure we all want more than just people making promises about their desires to expand knowledge and diversity of the group. Filling in long pages on the application forms, indicating what ethnicity we fall under, what skin color we have, what religion we believe in and what nation we are from is not so much fun. And why the heck should we care so much since the nation was built by people from many different European nationalities and still does welcomes influxes of 1.2 million immigrants every year. I should probably ask “immigrants” such as the founders of Google- Sergey Brin, of Yahoo! - Jerry Yang and of eBay- Pierre Omidyar “what is the basic minimum requirement that I need to qualify for in order to fit diversity criteria.” I of course cannot choose where I was born and whether my eyes look blue or black or whether I have an American or British accent. Folks don’t get me wrong, I am very proud to be where I am from and whom I am. I just don’t find any enthusiasm for not finding any opportunities that I possibly deserve, because I am not categorized under any of the diversity selected criteria, such as, “only for Native American, African American or Hispanic.”
I brag about the fact that I am the part of the most developed nation of the world. I live, work and share my dreams obeying the laws, valuing and treating others with dignity and respect. Diversity is America’s greatest attribute and leads to better understanding of the world. History has witnessed this. No minorities were admitted before the civil rights era and after a small number were considered to be matriculated. Court decisions and state legislations have banned race-conscious admissions in many US states.
Personally I believe, diversity is a term of political correctness. How diverse are we, if we all bleed? If all are born from women? And we all are mortal? Why do we fear for assimilating the new when we know different languages, cultures, and histories have blended this nation together? Diversity has promoted innovation, has given more jobs than has taken. Issues of which diverse groups deserve need to be explored, promises need to be met and more attention needs to be paid. I hope some day we would have one policy that could fuse one's individual cultural background into the groups.
This is the question my dear friends, as an international student, I have been trying to answered for past few years and still have not gotten to the core of it. The more I try to sense the consequences of being part of this system, educate myself about understanding custom of the U.S constitution, the more overwhelmed I become.
Since we all go to the University, let’s just explore how well diversity is implemented in the US University’s system.
Diversity has been fostered to some extent to the international student. Why not? We compose less than 10% of the student body and the tuition rate can is 3 times higher us than for the State residents or for citizens. After all diversity helps bring human richness via varied backgrounds, experience, knowledge and the school needs us.
I am sure we all want more than just people making promises about their desires to expand knowledge and diversity of the group. Filling in long pages on the application forms, indicating what ethnicity we fall under, what skin color we have, what religion we believe in and what nation we are from is not so much fun. And why the heck should we care so much since the nation was built by people from many different European nationalities and still does welcomes influxes of 1.2 million immigrants every year. I should probably ask “immigrants” such as the founders of Google- Sergey Brin, of Yahoo! - Jerry Yang and of eBay- Pierre Omidyar “what is the basic minimum requirement that I need to qualify for in order to fit diversity criteria.” I of course cannot choose where I was born and whether my eyes look blue or black or whether I have an American or British accent. Folks don’t get me wrong, I am very proud to be where I am from and whom I am. I just don’t find any enthusiasm for not finding any opportunities that I possibly deserve, because I am not categorized under any of the diversity selected criteria, such as, “only for Native American, African American or Hispanic.”
I brag about the fact that I am the part of the most developed nation of the world. I live, work and share my dreams obeying the laws, valuing and treating others with dignity and respect. Diversity is America’s greatest attribute and leads to better understanding of the world. History has witnessed this. No minorities were admitted before the civil rights era and after a small number were considered to be matriculated. Court decisions and state legislations have banned race-conscious admissions in many US states.
Personally I believe, diversity is a term of political correctness. How diverse are we, if we all bleed? If all are born from women? And we all are mortal? Why do we fear for assimilating the new when we know different languages, cultures, and histories have blended this nation together? Diversity has promoted innovation, has given more jobs than has taken. Issues of which diverse groups deserve need to be explored, promises need to be met and more attention needs to be paid. I hope some day we would have one policy that could fuse one's individual cultural background into the groups.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Thanks to the Tron lab, I do not have to worry about how to kill time. It never lets me remain free and tries its best to disturb my tranquility. Thanks to all the crazy stuffs that it provides. Sometimes, I feel I am getting paid not for teaching but for absorbing students' frustration without showing mine. Anyway, I am trying to maintain a good positive attitude as lab sheet suggests. Our lab procedures starts with "First of all, do not give up or get frustrated if things do not work. These are challenging labs to perform, as devices can be sensitive to non idealities. Try to maintain a good attitude and learn something about the operation"
Monday, March 3, 2008
The March 4
Everyone here seems to be caught in the Primaries Contest in Texas and Ohio tomorrow. Rhode Island and Vermont are nowhere in News. I do not know the analysis of Rhode Island and Vermont. By this time tomorrow we will be close to getting the results. My personal guess is Clinton winning ohio but by really less margin and Obama winning Texas by even lesser margin. So, overall Obama keeping his lead by almost same margin and prolonged agony for Clinton. In this case the delegates count of Vermont and Rhode Island is crucial for both.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Self Promotion
The two occasions when I feel great about my TA job are while paying semester fee and reading the Evals from students. The monthly pay for the GTAs in EE department is too low compared to the amount of work one has to put to accomplish the task. You are only paid for 8 hrs a week but are supposed to teach 2 sections of (3 hrs each) lab, stay in office for 2 hours per week, grades 20 odd students’ lab report, sometimes design the lab, prepare your lab, prepare your Lab notebook and meet the Course instructor once a week for around 1 hr. Above all you need to perform end of semester lab cleanup on finals week. Most of the international students (Only international students are TA in EE dept) feel this is exploitation but still there is quite a competition for TA positions because it lowers your semester fee to one third and it’s a better experience than putting long hours in restaurant, canteens or working as custodians. So, it seems there is no end to exploitation in near future.
Going through the comments in Eval form has always been a great experience to me from last three semesters. I enjoy reading students appreciating my work and suggesting ways to improve my teaching. I am going to share this year’s comment with you.
1. He is not only an instructor, but a friend and goes all the length to make you understand the material.
2. The design labs were more interesting and little harder than the regular labs.
3. Great Job Saurav
4. I enjoyed the design labs for more than any lab ever. Great Job Saurav, hope to see you next semester.
5. The first design project was a good experience. I liked it more than a “Cookie Cutter” lab. The 2nd design project was not a positive experience. It was very frustrating. I didn’t learn much.
6. The instructor was great. I do wish he would try a little harder to make sure a student’s question is answered completely. The design labs were great.
7. Saurav is a really helpful TA in Tron. He was also excellent in circuits 1. Very nice guy.
8. Saurav did a good job explaining how to use the lab components and helping with problems.
9. Yay Saurav
10. Saurav is one of the best lab instructors I have ever had.
11. I liked the design application of this course. I felt it gave a real life feel to the study of Electronics. The TA was good teacher and helped us answer our questions.
There were couple funny comments too which I did not understand completely.
1. I like Squirrels
2. Saurav Kicks Ass!
Going through the comments in Eval form has always been a great experience to me from last three semesters. I enjoy reading students appreciating my work and suggesting ways to improve my teaching. I am going to share this year’s comment with you.
1. He is not only an instructor, but a friend and goes all the length to make you understand the material.
2. The design labs were more interesting and little harder than the regular labs.
3. Great Job Saurav
4. I enjoyed the design labs for more than any lab ever. Great Job Saurav, hope to see you next semester.
5. The first design project was a good experience. I liked it more than a “Cookie Cutter” lab. The 2nd design project was not a positive experience. It was very frustrating. I didn’t learn much.
6. The instructor was great. I do wish he would try a little harder to make sure a student’s question is answered completely. The design labs were great.
7. Saurav is a really helpful TA in Tron. He was also excellent in circuits 1. Very nice guy.
8. Saurav did a good job explaining how to use the lab components and helping with problems.
9. Yay Saurav
10. Saurav is one of the best lab instructors I have ever had.
11. I liked the design application of this course. I felt it gave a real life feel to the study of Electronics. The TA was good teacher and helped us answer our questions.
There were couple funny comments too which I did not understand completely.
1. I like Squirrels
2. Saurav Kicks Ass!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
These days
These days I am bifurcated between studies,work and Nepal Nite preparation. Thanks god I am doing ok in studies, which is my prime concern even though its receiving really less time these days.
I am also enjoying US politics at the moment esp the democratic race. Obama is pressing on despite all odds and now it seems he might just be able to outflank Hillary. Everone knows Hillary is formidable but we have already seen some surprises. Lets see how Texans and Ohioans vote on March 4.
I am also enjoying US politics at the moment esp the democratic race. Obama is pressing on despite all odds and now it seems he might just be able to outflank Hillary. Everone knows Hillary is formidable but we have already seen some surprises. Lets see how Texans and Ohioans vote on March 4.