Saturday, April 12, 2008

Life without Gossip…is this possible??

Author: Shrishti Kharel

Things which should be ignored at times could be so demanding among us. I wonder why we do like gossiping so much. How assertive we become when we fetch others issues, as if we don’t have enough of our own to saddle over. What a word comes to mind when we “gossip”? Spontaneously, “People” of course. How could we be blind and not be nerd to answer this question? We don’t mind at all making celebrity to some one of us with our big gossips. It has almost become our typical identity. Time should be employed in one way or the other. Right? Substantially it may be the only the cheap leisure activity with least consumption of creative work, so why wouldn’t anyone levy to it. The troubling truth is that we are obsessed to have knack for people and their happenings, skeptical on other’s performances without judging our own.

I have noticed often times, we reproach among ourselves that we belong to discrete community, “Nepalese”, as if we live to accomplish gossip trend. How long could we creep and not resume with constructive intellections? We write and think that “we need to make this world a better place to live.” The statement looks pretty darn good to me. But what percentage to this great idea is each of us contributing personally? Where all our accumulated wisdom and potentials are spilling over? Let’s think intently to this silent fact.

Our inertia is astonishing at times when it comes to appreciate third person. Giving credit to other’s achievements is not only intimidating but also out of reach among us. How much ever the weary and perplexed an issue could be, we still like to be entertained by chiseling others. What kind of satisfaction are we obtaining possessing such trivial personalities? How adequately are we utilizing our knowledge, education, experience, skills and time that we have acquired so far? I have started persuading myself this the only way our brain should function or genetically we all are born with some chronic defect which we ironclad to ourselves when it come to change, living in a positive and uplifting lifestyles.

Goals to live should means more than mere gossips. We could only anticipate an unproductive outcome through these petty talks instead why don’t we exhibit a realign personality or engage ourselves with activities that makes life fuller? What rights have we got to jeopardized someone else’s life, and why not “we mind our own damn business?” Stupid brings “people” and smart brings “things” to their conversations. I fully agree, it is not that easy to infringe crowds and to be ourselves.

Let’s not forget we all have different strengths and weaknesses. We sure can discern our own weaknesses first before sharpening at others. We don’t need to gossip and dig into other’s personal matter in order to enhance our social etiquettes or endeavor our own successes. Why are we paralyzing ourselves by representing our dull, boring, noninspiring, insidious and vicious characters? We create our rivalry world. We are always rushed to be the first to spot others shortcomings. Offering free opinion without being demanded is our other specialty. We boast on our tiny little possessions. I am curious how further we need to educate ourselves or have an advance degrees to change ourselves or where do we go and live so that we could make worthy living tomorrow.

We know, together we could develop reciprocation, explore more horizons in science, attain more peace of mind and make a difference. If we express ourselves without any restraint, freely expressing our feelings, then we would live like savages. Let’s not reflect an obscure imprint of our own. Let’s not exploit the opportunities we are blessed with when we know half of our nation’s citizens live below the poverty line. Let’s seek the better investment of our intelligence in other way rather than gossiping; soon, otherwise, there will have huge outcry of not only poverty but also righteous citizens.

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