Read few books during spring break. Seven Pillars of health (Dr. Colbert), Audacity of Hope (Barack Obama), Modiaain ( B.P koirala) and Freakonomics (Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner).
Seven Pillars of Health - This is the Book that I most recently bought. Informative but boring at times (esp. for ignorant folks in medical field). But it changed some of my dietary habits little bit.
The Audacity of Hope – Good read. Nice to know some insights of Washington and American politics. No wonder Obama earned more than half million from royalties of his books in 2006 (More than half of his Income, his released tax returns says so). I am looking forward to read his First Book (Dreams from my father).
Modiaain – BP has written better stories than this. Mediocre by BP’s standard.
Freakonomics – Easily one of the best books I have ever read. My First study on economics can’t have any better. Everybody should read this. If morality says how people should act, economics says how do people act. Which is more dangerous for a child, a Gun or a Swimming pool? How does parenting matter (or doesn’t matter)? How’s crime related to abortion? Why drug dealers stay with their mom? How Drug dealers similar to guys at McDonalds or Wal-Mart? How are school teachers related to Sumo Wrestlers? How powerful is information esp. when it is abused? How similar are Real-Estate agents to Ku Klux Klan? Read the Book. Its for everyone, not just for freaks like me.
spring break gives u chance to catch up!
Nice suggestions.
I am going through Freakonomics...
Seems interesting .....
Could you list some more interesting books...?
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