I am thankful to Sushant, Kalash, Gaurab and Sachit for contributing their articles to this blog. I have always believed that the ability to heed different (opposing) views is one of the biggest human qualities and this quality always helps. I hope the reader will enjoy the articles and come up with their own impression on what happened in Nepal after Prashant’s Indian idol glory. We (I and the four writers) welcome critical, analytical and constructive response from all the readers.
Hopelessness in my paradise
Finally they came out on the rooftops, bacchanalian and ecstatic. The waning moon was still bright, brighter than the hope for my paradise. I was sitting on my bed, quiet and innate like the darkness itself, impervious to the clamor outside. In my last, desperate attempt to stifle the volcanic rage trying to erupt inside me, I looked at my wife curled besides me, on the warm bed. The moonlight had rendered her angelic. I loved her so much. She was my last resort; the oasis of peace amidst the weltering midnight. Then suddenly, the tension became unbearable. They pounded my head with shrill wails, and cacophonic howls. Then I gave up. I had lost the last bit of my hope then.
It was the night Prashant Tamang, an Indian Police officer of Nepalese origins, had won his fight at the Indian Idol. The purpose of the TV program was to select the best singer among hundreds from India. The program was a reality show, where people could eliminate singers by voting through SMS, the reason for its huge popularity. Everyone agreed that Prashant was not the best singer there but week after week, we had cast millions of votes worth millions of rupees for Prashant. We finally succeeded in killing talent and ethics for the sake of our roots on 24 September 12: 15 PM. I had lost my battle for morality and conscience to the Nepalese Jihad.
Defeated, I went out to my rooftop to congratulate the winners. Silhouette of teenagers beating drums, and shouting "Down with the Indians !!! Long live Prashant !!!" echoed from every direction. Then suddenly I realized that even they were not the real winners. They were losers like me, who would not hesitate to shoot their own brothers in the name of killing a mosquito on their shoulders. They were defeated just like me, only defiant.
Night after night, those rabid dogs watched Indian TV programs and serials. They dreamt wearing the same clothes as on their soap operas. Every hour they savored thinned legged skinny Bollywood models dancing half-naked. Every whit of grain they ate came from India and they expected every Bollywood hunk to be their husband. These sentimental fools had blatantly chosen not to accept their situation. The reality is that they were pigs, living on scrapes of others but blinded by their haughtiness and arrogance. They were still living in caves, unaware of the progress outside. They were morons who were satisfied to wear Levis jeans and Rebook shoes, unaware that these things were gnawing their economy from inside. Millions in their own country were dying from starvation and war but they felt proud in wasting their money on coke. They were the poorest in the world but blamed their poverty on their neighbors for not helping them. They ran away from every responsibility to improve the situation, but they did not fail to point out the mistakes of those who were in power. They just hated the Indians because they don't want to accept that they are failures.
We just blame others because we are nothing by ourselves. We belligerently resist any criticism because we don't want to hear the truth. I saw them hesitate to send SMS needed to collect funds for flood victims, citing uncertainty of delivery. Yet they were wasting millions on one person just because we wanted to see the Indians fail, when we knew that every penny would be gobbled by TV stations and Telephone providers. We didn't hear and single voice scream when bombs were exploded on our busy streets.
We made an average singer win a singing contest, just because we are pathetic enough to ignore talent completely. We were unhappy because an Indian said that he would like to see people not base their judgement on ethnicity. I wanted to shout, "Wake up losers. Show them that you are something by doing something here".
Why should the Indians fail? The feeling should be that we should win. There is a difference in others losing and us wining. Even if we are desperate to see them lose, it won't come by watching their shows and hating them for that. We should unite for the right cause. We beat our brothers from terai in Hritik Roshan incident or assignation in Iraq, just because they looked like Indians. Even if they were, we have no right to beat them. They were not the ones who went to Iraq. They are actually doing our work for us. How many "Pahadi" hair dressers do you see? How many Nepali businessmen (which is the backbone of economy) have you heard of? You are proud of picking cottons in Australia or cleaning restaurants in the USA but loathe someone doing the same here. If you want to be respected be self sufficient. Do not go complaining over everything, or harassing people because they are trying to make a living.
The final blow to my cause came when my wife woke and stood beside me on the moonlit balcony, rejoicing how Nepalese were united to see their brother win over the worthless Indians. Congratulations Prashant, You have won your battle but I've lost mine. I have my own Kapilvastu within my heart.
Midnight Thoughts
Sunday, midnight, early autumn. I came out into the balcony to get some fresh oxygen. In the grey sky, the refurbished moon's luminescence was impeded by a bunch of tenuous clouds. The environment was indeed tranquil and so was my existence. A sudden surge of supportive hooting in extreme jubilation filled the air with commotion. Prashant Tamang had just been crowned an Indian Idol. With an obscure sight I could see the people in the neighborhood coming out into their rooftops, balconies, on the roads chanting slogans for Prashant. My vision in the night was not good enough to read their expressions and countenances but their screams in sheer excitement were well enough to depict their state of exponential rise in euphoria. They were clapping, shouting, singing, beating drums, playing music, may be dancing and jumping, and so on.
The night was filled with extreme celebration. There were chants and slogans. I could hear people screaming 'yo jeet kasko? prashant ko, yo haar kasko? dhoti ko'. Framing the sentence within inverted commas in English, 'whose victory is this? Prashant's. whose loss is this? Indian's.' This slogan made me ponder and ask myself one question instantly. If it was Indian's loss then who is Prashant Tamang? Which citizenship does he belong to? As far as my ken in this is concerned, I think he is an Indian citizen. This question cascaded another one. Then how could it be Indian's loss? He is a nepali language speaking citizen in India (Nepali language is the seventh largest national language in India). May be his roots (ancestors) are from those parts which are now within geographical boundary of Nepal. But if we talk about roots then a large number of enthnic community which have now flourished in different parts of Nepal, including Kathmandu valley, have migrated (notably Dravidians) some 2000 years ago from those parts which are now within geographical frontier of India.
Nostalgic thoughts creeped into my cerebrum, and I was taken way back to the day of 'Hrithik kanda'. It was noon that day and the pictures are still vivid to me. People were blaring in violent rage and agitation shouting anti Indian slogans. They were enraged and infuriated by some of the statements made by an Indian actor and an Indian citizen, Hrithik Roshan. The statements made by him against Nepal had not even been authenticated. The situation was out of control. The furious masses were smashing and shattering everything around them, inflicting damages to the glasses of the buildings near by pelting stones. An outsider said something against our country and we were damaging and destroying our own roads, lamp posts, bars, parks, buildings and so on. I felt like some one rebuking Nepalese and the Nepalese were slapping their own faces. The only sane word I could give to that act at that time was 'insanity'. A bunch of mass started attacking ethnic group from the southern part of Nepal (Terai or Madhesh). Those ethnic group, the so called Madhesis, were from Nepal with Nepali citizenship, albeit exceptions in this can't be ignored. They were lambasted, kicked, dragged, chased, humiliated in their own nation by their fellow citizens. I felt pity on them who were getting beaten, more sympathy on them who were submerged with that extreme national feeling by thrashing their own fellow citizens, and the most sorry for myself who was watching that in a helpless condition.
The clamor of the drums and gala moments outside brought me back to the present. People were still dancing and merry making. I still could not wipe away the images of our fellow citizens being beleaguered in our own country with the suspect of being Indian citizen and the same mass rejoicing in the victory of an Indian citizen. The reason for former, they look like people from (Bihar and UP) of India, while the reason for latter he looks like an ethnic group of Nepal and may be or not his roots are from here. I have an admiration towards Prashant, not because he is a 'Tamang' but because I like his singing. And, it is unreasonable for me not to like Amit, just because he is an Indian, despite the fact that I like his singing too.
Are we sane? If so then do we have a clear national feeling? I doubt such national feelings are overshadowed by racial approach. A wise man has rightly said, it's not the position where we stand that really matters but it's the direction where we are heading towards. And this direction, tonight, is beyond the realm of my mental horizon to comprehend. The bawl and festivity of the people were attenuating and getting dispelled gradually. I lifted my head and glanced at the moon, it was still covered with clouds.
Gaurab’s Reaction
I can not agree more with Shusant on this and the jublient people ( both in india n here),who came out cheering in the streets after midnight must be congratulated for showing the national and regional integration. I could only have wished to see a worthy reason for that, alas, the reason was someone of nepali origin won a electronic polling contest ( i'd never accept it as a singing contest ), where one person can cast as many votes he or she wants till his/her body aches or eyes sore( so much the democratic way finding talents ),in expense of some very good singers week after week ( we don’t have many disputes about this, do we?).
Incidents like this also question the routes we choose to pursue our happiness; the whole show (prefixed reality) was nothing more than an elaborate facade, an outcome of some monetary thinking, for pure commercial purpose. We fail to realize, winning or losing of someone is just an independent event in a matrix created by the makers of the show. Its their world, their setup, their game, their rules and their success but our money, our emotions, our morality, our ignorance and above all our failure of judgment. In the process of making Prashant 'THE ONE' we capitulated ourselves to that matrix.
Sachit’s Reaction
I went through a lot of arguments, mixed expressions about PRASHANT TAMANG being crowned as INDIAN IDOL - 3, Most of us don't understand why people here are so excited about it. The only reason is that prashant belongs to the same ethnic group as we people coz of that it's natural to have an emotional support and now he've won that's enough we don't need to chant anti indian slogans here.
"Why did it happened ?"
People in nepal have been silently drinking all the discriminations and cheep behavoiurs from india and it's people from time to time. This time all their frustation exploded as a guy whom all we supported, the one who wears DHAKA TOPI, and Sings BIR GORKHALI in front of millions of peoples is making us proud of ourselves which we have forgotten a lot ago just being lost in so called western civilization.
"Scenario In Darjling"
The actual situation and slogans are no different in Darjling, Sikkim, kalingpong, Himanchal Pradesh and North-east of india because despite of holding the indian citizenship the peoples belonging to Nepali race are being discriminated on their own land, and Prashant's victory is taken as their own victory and the reason behind is they are the ones who actually voted that much for his victory.
"Look Back to ourselves in the Mirror"
We all are so happy that Paashant Tamang (Holding a Nepali identity, language being a indian citized also a Police ) won the title, but is this all we should have been doing now ?? ask yourself more than being happy on his winning we should be chanting anti slogans about all the recent incidents happening in Kapilvastu and it's surrounding areas, we should have enough concern about the flood victims who are the actual Nepali brothers and silsters of ours. who need the real help this time.
Final Words:
Now the time for fun have expired be concerned about the real problems in the country this proves how Nepali are you, How much Bravery do You have and How much Love do you have for each Brothers and sisters of your country, Your ethenic Group, Your citizenship. I could have spoken much, may be some of you don't like what i say but would you PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT..........
Both, not recognising winning Indian Idol 3 mantle by Prashant Tamang and dismissing him as a Nepali (despite bening a worthy Indian citizen) by citizens of Nepal of Inidan origin and condemning Indians (if at all done) by the Nepalese of Hilly regions as alleged are wrong. The former because they are eating the salts of Nepal and still having allegiance to India vice Nepal and the latter they can celebrate the win by a Nepali Indian just like India celebrates for kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams for their space sojourn whereas both Nepalese and the Indians despise of the countries their heroes / heroins hail from.
We all must come above this and then only will there be peace.
Great write-up.....I fully agree with things in here...and also I pity on ourselves who revel in this victory (?victory?whose victory??/) while Kapilvastu burns and so on....
.....(However, blog is too long...though I guess it perhaps mirror the intense emotion that must be burning inside the blogger....)
All the blogs were true to their own aspect. Definately there is no reason for being overjoyed in an indian citizen (prashant tamang) victory in Indial Idol-3, though his origin belongs to nepal long back.
But one thing this contest has created is the unity among the people of nepal. It would have been better if this unity can be shown in situation like kapilvastu case, terai unstablility,the on going peace process and the constitution assembly.
I hope people of nepal will learn something from this.
the following link could be intresting read as well :
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