Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hello and welcome to MprofIT's world.

Blogging with bizzare name, MprofIT ?? "What does this mean ?" U may think. Its an anagram of a code, purely fictional. I did not give much time to prepare but it might not be easy to decode, especially if u do not know me very well.

I have one solution for you to get out of this dilemma. Just "GIVE UP" your try.

This afternoon I was so impressed with my blogger friend that I could not resist blogging. So friends, Here I come.

I have always struggled to maintain descipline in my life. I started many things at different time but in most cases I never continued for long. I hope this will be an exception.

You might be thinking this guy has already started making excuses.

see u later,


Moonoshe said...

Great start! And a good start...its always good to place a mystery (mprofit??) in beginning....hope truth behing this mystery will be unfolded as time goes by...

Amity said...

Hey Saurav,
Congratulations on your break through this blogging concept. well, something to get started with. Keep going on and we'll support ya!

Max Flax said...

Yo, nice going, I might have to create a BLOG like this one some day. I hope you have some luck in your new blogging career. Shall I call you a Blogist or a Bloginare. Maybe some day we will have to pull you kicking and screaming from your blog site and treat you for blogitis or blogoniacer or bloggerousus.(ie: common illnesses that prey on bloggers most of them non fatal) Well you cant say that I didnt warn you :-\ .