I studied Thermodynamics starting from my science class in school and I still remember how joyfully I used to reiterate “Energy can neither be created and nor be destroyed”. I loved this law and later learned that this principle is basic to the first law of thermodynamics.
Recently I stumbled upon an Interesting article which described Mother Nature as a perfect accountant but also lazy communist based upon the law of thermodynamics. Let me try to explain this in entertaining way.
Perfect Accountant: Nature has to perform meticulous accounting because energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, though it readily changes forms. So, Mother Nature makes sure that there is always exactly as much energy around after something happens as there was before.
Lazy Communist: Please don’t judge me wrong I am not being harsh. My only concern now is to entertain you. The Lazy communist part comes from the second law of thermodynamics. Lazy because natural systems generally tend toward the lowest energy state possible and Communist because natural systems also tend toward the most equal distribution of energy. Aa…ha that’s why every morning the cream I pour into my coffee blends evenly throughout the cup, even if I don’t stir it.
Today I locked apartment’s key inside so in effect I was locked outside. To make good use of time I went to university’s dairy for Ice-cream. On my way back, all of a sudden the Ice-cream dropped and I could do nothing but watch the hot asphalt melt fallen ice-cream. Obviously I was saddened by the incident but it was all natural thing happening. Heat always travels from areas of high energy to low, so asphalt melted the ice-cream rather than drawing heat from it and thus keeping it frozen.
Natural events always proceed towards states of grater disorder. That’s why every once in a while my shoelaces come untied and never once they have retied themselves. That’s probably the reason why my desk always get messier and never neater (Its all governed by the natural laws who am I to change it).